Andrew Ahlschwede
Vice President
What you need to know about Andrew:
- Born and raised in Frankenmuth
- Attended St. Lorenz, Frankenmuth High & Valparaiso University
- Has held commercial underwriting positions with Frankenmuth Insurance and The Hanover
- Spent a year consulting on Revenue Cycle Operations
- Started at Emil Rummel in 2012
- Attained the AU and CIC insurance designations
- Is a Rotarian
- Enjoys volunteering
- Is currently serving on several non-profit boards
- Is a life long member of St. Lorenz
- Has no ability to carry a tune but is known to hum incessantly
- Will click pens until they are nonoperational
- Despite the above – is married
- Loves to travel with his wife and explore new places
- Has a homemade smoker on a trailer
- Favorite pastime is BBQ’s and Bonfires
- Doesn’t like being in photos
- Feels blessed to be at Emil Rummel Agency
- Best part of the day is talking with our clients